1,India's national health policy was approved in the parlement in ? 

A, 1961                                      B , 1980 
C, 1983                                      D , 1991

ANSWER =1983

2,The measure of health status of children in a community is ? 

A, infant mortality rate           B , maternal mortality rate 
C, Crude birth rate                  D , crude death rate

ANSWER =infant mortality rate

3,Which of the following food constituents are more required by pregnant women ? 

A, iron                                      B , calcium 
C, potassium                           D , vitamin C

ANSWER =iron

4,An antenatal mother is ordered to have a diet that contains 90 grams of protein each day.how many calories will the protein contribute to her daily weight  ? 

A, 180 calories                          B , 360 calories 
C, 540 calories                          D , 810 calories

ANSWER =360 calories

5,The antidote of magnesium sulphate ? 

A, calcium gluconate                 B , diazepam 
C, calcium chloride                    D , nalorphine hydrochloride

ANSWER =calcium gluconate

6,The approximate volume of blood at birth ? 

A, 60 ml.kg.body weight            B , 85 ml.kg.body weight 
C, 100 ml.kg.body weight          D , 125 ml.kg.body weight

ANSWER =60 ml.kg.body weight

7,Which of the following signs and symptoms indicates salicylate toxicity ? 

A, chest pain                                 B , pink coloured urine 
C, slow pulse rate                        D , ringing in ears

ANSWER =ringing in ears

8,Urinary bladders is lined with ? 

A, simple epithelium                      B , stratified epithelium 
C, transitional epithelium             D , pseudostratified epithelium

ANSWER =transitional epithelium

9,Sprin is due to ? 

A, muscles                                     B , tendons 
C, ligaments                                  D , nerves

ANSWER =ligaments

10,Rickets is due to ? 

A, vitamin D                                   B , vitamin B 
C, vitamin A                                   D , vitamin C

ANSWER =vitamin D

1,The commonest C.V.A. is ? 

A, cerebral hemorrhage                  B , cerebral thrombosis 
C, Cerebral embolism                       D , cerebral spasm

ANSWER =cerebral throbosis

2,The PH of fresh urine is about ? 

A, 7.1                                                   B , 5 
C, 8.4                                                   D , 9.9


3,RH factor can produce ? 

A, AIDS                                               B , erythroblastosis fetalis 
C, turners syndrome                        D , sickle cell anemia

ANSWER =erythrolastosis fetails

4,pulse pressure is ? 

A, diastolic pressure                                      
B , systolic pressure 
C , difference between diastolic and systolic pressure                  
D , pressure in pulmonary veins

ANSWER =difference between diastolic and systolic pressure

5,Oedema is due to ? 

A, increased permeability of capillary walls                                   
B, reduced return on lymph 
C, increased capillary pressure                  
D, All of the above

ANSWER =increased permeability of capillary walls

6,Removal of gall bladder in man could lead to ? 

A, impairment of fat digestion                                      
B, impairment of digestion of protein 
C, jaundice                  
D, increased acidity in intestine

ANSWER =impairment of fat digestation

7,Loss of appetite, gastrointestinal disorders and muscular weakness are the deficiency symptoms of ? 

A, vitamin A                                      B , vitamin B 
C, vitamin C                                      D , vitamin B

ANSWER =vitamin B

8,Largest gland in human body ? 

A, liver                                             B , thyroid 
C, pituitary                                      D , none of the above

ANSWER =liver

9,Vitamin need for the healthy Visibility ? 

A, vitamin D                                    B , vitamin B 
C, vitamin C                                    D , vitamin A

ANSWER =vitamin A

10,Blood vessel in which the oxygen content is highest in the fetus is ? 

A, aorta                                         B , umbilical vein 
C, pulmonary artery                    D, inferior vena cava

ANSWER =umbilical vein

1,Indias largest buddhist monastery ,Tawang was located in ? 

A, Arunachal Pradesh                          B , uttar pradesh 
C, bihar                                                  D , assam

ANSWER =Arunachalpradesh

2,COBRA force is related with ? 

A, CISF                                                   B , CRPF 
C, NSG                                                    D , None of the above


3,The parlement of Russia is known as ? 

A, yuan                                                  B , duma 
C, congress                                           D , assembly

ANSWER =duma

4,Who is known as indian army ? 

A, K.M.Cariappa                                    B , Sir Robert Lok Hart 
C, Major Stringer Lawrence                D, None of the above


5,National Defence Academy is situated in ? 

A, chennai                                              B , khadakvasla 
C, dehradun                                           D , None of the above

ANSWER =khadakvasla

6,The least populated state is ? 

A, Goa                                                    B , Sikkim 
C, Mizoram                                            D , Tripura

ANSWER =Sikkim

7,The "Invisible man" is written by ? 

A, H.G.Wells                                          B , Vedvyas 
C, Charles Lamp                                   D , None of the above


8,Hazaribagh National park is located in the state of ? 

A, Assam                                               B , Nagaland 
C, Jharkhand                                        D , Gujarath

ANSWER =Jharkhand

9,Where is India's first nuclear power station situated ? 

A, Kalpakkam                                       B , Korba 
C, Tarapur                                            D , Trombay

ANSWER =Kalpakkam

10,SAARC summit 2010 was held at ? 

A, Colombo                                           B , Maldivas 
C, Bali                                                    D, Thimbu

ANSWER =colombo

1,Which is not the state of the process ? 

A, Ready                                      B , Privileged  
C, Running                                   D, Blocked

ANSWER =B, Privileged

2,The number of processes completed per unit time is known as ? 

A, Output                                      B , Throughput 
C, Capacity                                   D, Efficiency

ANSWER =B, Throughput

3,What is called for memory from 1K - 640K ? 

A, Conventional Memory             B , Extended Memory 
C, Low Memory                            D, Normal Memory

ANSWER =A, Conventional Memory

4,Virtual memory is used for ? 

A, A type of memory used in supercomputers               
B , An extremely large main memory 
C, An illusion of extremely large main memory                
D, An extremely large secondary memory

ANSWER =C, An illusion of extremely large main memory

5,What is a shell ? 

A, It is a tool in CPU scheduling.                 B , It is a part in compiler 
C, It is a hardware component                  D, It is a command interpreter

ANSWER =D, It is a command interpreter

6,Round Robin algorithm is essentially the preemptive version of ? 

A, FIFO                                            B , Longest time first 
C, Shortest Job First                     D , Shortest Remaining


7,A general purpose single-user microcomputer designed to be operated by one person at a time is ? 

A, Special-purpose computer       B , KIPS 
C, PC                                                D , M


8,A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of existing or hypothetical systems is ? 

A, Touch                                        B , Mouse 
C, Light pen                                   D , Joystick

ANSWER =B, Mouse

9,The list of coded instructions is called ? 

A, Utility programs                       B , Computer program 
C, Flowchart                                 D , Algorithm

ANSWER =B, Computer program

10,A number that is used to control the form of another number is known as ? 

A, Bit slice                                      B , Bit 
C, Byte                                           D , Bit manipulation

ANSWER =A, Bit slice

1,Which of the following is a common symptom of active tuberculosis ? 

A, marked weight loss                        B , dyspnea on exertion 
C, mental status changes                  D, constipation

ANSWER =marked weight loss

2,External cardiac compression for an infant should be at the rate of ? 

A, 60-80/mt                                        B , 80-100/mt 
C, 100-120/mt                                   D, above 150

ANSWER =100-120/mt

3,progesterone is secreted by ? 

A, corpus luteum                                  B , corpus albicans 
C, pitiuitary gland                                 D, graafian cells

ANSWER =corpus luteum

4,Cessation of menstrual cycle is called ? 

A, ovulation                                         B , puberty 
C, menopause                                     D , implantation

ANSWER =menopause

5,Hormones are produced by ? 

A, exocrine glands                               B , endocrine glands 
C, holocrine glands                              D , apocrine glands

ANSWER =endocrine glands

6,Islets of langerhans are present in: ? 

A, brain                                                 B , stomach 
C, ovary                                                D , pancreas

ANSWER =pancreas

7,the male sex hormone is called: ? 

A, vasopressin                                      B , gonadotropic hormone 
C, FSH                                                    D , testosterone

ANSWER =testosterone

8,Number of spinal nerves in man are? ? 

A, 11 pairs                                              B , 12 pairs 
C, 31 pairs                                              D, 33 pairs

ANSWER =31 pairs

9,The function of choroid plexus is: ? 

A, to produse lymph                                 B , to produce blood 
C, to produse cerebrospinal fluid           D , to produce endolymph

ANSWER =to produse cerebrospinal fluid

10,The cerebellum is concerened with: ? 

A, co-ordination of muscular movements     B ,perception                             
C, memory                                                         D , vision

ANSWER =co-ordination of muscular movements

1,In decimal System what is the base or radix is ? 

A, 1                                      B , 2 
C, 10                                    D, None of these


2,Which logic gate is similar to the function of two parallel switches ? 

A, NAND                              B , AND 
C, NOR                                D, OR


3,The time required for the fetching and execution of one simple machine instruction is ? 

A, delay time                        B , CPU cycle 
C, seek time                         D, real time


4,A single packet on a data link is known as ? 

A, Group                               B , Packet 
C, Frame                              D, Block


5,ASCII stands for ? 

A,   American standard code for information interchange                               B ,  All purpose scientific code for information interchange 
C,   American security code for information interchange                 
D,  American Scientific code for information infrastracture

ANSWER =American standard code for information interchange

6,The average time necessary for the correct sector of a disk to arrive at the read write head is Called ? 

A, Down time                     B , Rotational delay 
C, Seek time                       D, None of the above

ANSWER =Rotational delay

7,What difference does the 5th generation computer have from other generation computers ? 

A, Technological advancement            B, Object Oriented Programming 
C, Fully IC oriented                                D, All of the above

ANSWER =Technological advancement

8,A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of existing or hypothetical systems is ? 

A, Data transmission                               B , Data capture 
C, Data flow                                             D, Flow Chart

ANSWER =Data flow

9,Brain of any computer is ? 

A, Control unit                                      B , CPU 
C, Memory                                            D, ALU


10,A number that is used to control the form of another number is known as ? 

A, Mask                                                  B , Bit 
C, IP                                                       D, Marker


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